Our Story
It's all good!
That’s not just a tag line, it’s a way of life for all
of us at Me Tea.
We believe in doing everything possible to make Me Tea the beverage of goodness, inside and out. We are always creating unique blends of pure, organic teas, that are from good places, using practices that are good for the earth and are fair & transparent to all. 
Good tea from good
All teas and herbs used in any Me Tea product are organic and will continue to be that way. We are also hell bent on avoiding synthetic chemicals, pesticides, and GMOs to the best of our ability. We promote environmental sustainability, conserve biodiversity, and produce food in a more natural and eco-friendly way. Now isn’t that good news!
Good packaging that’s good for the planet.

Our tea bags are all plant-based, biodegradable and staple free, preventing micro plastics from entering you, and the waste stream. Our packaging is being constantly improved to make things better for the environment, is Forest stewardship council (FSC) certified and fully recyclable. Yay!  

We aim to be carbon neutral by 2025, creating beverages that give forward goodness to both individuals and the planet.

Our Quality
Quality certified suppliersWhen we buy teas and herbs, we only deal with certified suppliers to make sure everything we get is top-notch. They have to provide reports on things like pesticides from trusted labs. So, our quality isn't just our opinion, it's backed up by experts, independently verified by accredited organisations.
Quality assured packagingWhen we package our products, we have independent observers on board to make sure everything meets our high standards.They're super important in checking that every part of the packaging process meets our strict quality rules.  
Food safety certificationsOur factory follows top-notch food safety rules like FSSC22000, HACCP, and GMP. This means we always meet super strict quality standards, showing how serious we are about giving our customers safe and awesome products.
Good practices in

We are always looking for ways to give forward to the community and produce teas in the fairest, most transparent way possible. So we start with buying all our teas and herbs from fairtrade certified estates and growers.

This means we ensure fair working conditions, prohibit discrimination, child labour and forced labour.

Our farmers are paid fairly, with measures in place to ensure farming costs are met even during market price fluctuations.

We are always in search of innovative solutions that have a positive impact. Eco-friendly packaging, energy-efficient manufacturing processes and developing products that contribute to social causes are just the beginning. 

Our story
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The pride and allure of pure Ceylon TeaCeylon tea, renowned for its exceptional quality and distinct flavour, originates from the island nation of Sri Lanka.

Grown in the picturesque highlands of Sri Lanka, Ceylon tea offers a diverse range of flavors to excite your senses.  From brisk and lively to mellow and delicate, Ceylon teas cater to a wide spectrum of preferences. Whether you prefer the bold notes of a full-bodied black tea or the subtle nuances of a fragrant green tea, Ceylon tea has something for everyone. Its versatility in flavor profiles, coupled with its consistent quality and purity, has made Ceylon tea a sought-after choice among tea enthusiasts worldwide. Whether enjoyed hot or cold, Ceylon tea never fails to deliver a satisfying and refreshing experience, making it a beloved staple in tea culture globally.

Blessed with lush landscapes and Flavourable climatic conditions, the central and southern regions of Sri Lanka provide the perfect environment for cultivating this prized tea. The unique terrain of the island, coupled with the expertise of local farmers, yields teas with unparalleled aroma, Flavour, and character.  

We can’t wait for you to have some of this goodness...
bottoms up!
Flavours and infusions that are organic, good for you, and good for the planet!
Tea Packet 1
Get In TouchWe’d love to hear from you about how you make Me Tea, your Tea!Or even if you want to ask us something.Please go here
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